Specialized Offering

3-month program starting at $25,000 

Course Description:

Investment Management Technology

This course is an introduction to the workflows and technology employed by investment management professionals. It covers essential topics such as portfolio management functional requirements, compliance system considerations, firm/desk/book routing instructions, and performance analysis reporting. The course is designed for individuals looking to gain a thorough understanding of the investment management process through the use of frameworks and practical applications. Each week includes readings and real world examples to enhance understanding and application of the concepts.

Week 1

Overview of why assets require management

Week 2

Review the operations and resources used by a portfolio manager

Week 3

Review the operations and resources used by a buy-side execution trader

Week 4

Survey of Connected Systems and Operational Dependancies

Week 5

Survey of requirements for managing portfolios of assets

Week 6

Briefing on the expenses underlying software platforms

Week 7

Summary of the market for independent software vendors

Week 8

Descriptions for Users, Settings and Actions

Week 9

Basics of Crypto as an Asset
